P: (813) 663-9667
TOLL FREE: (877) 726-2661



Building Type

Single-Ply TPO & Standing Seam Metal Pannels

Roof System


RAMCON Roofing completed roof installations on six Wawa locations since they opened their first store in Florida on July 2012. Each Wawa location has three roof systems approximately 6,500 square feet combined. RAMCON typically installs two Single-Ply and a Standing Seam Metal Roof system at each location. We install the mechanically attached white Single-Ply TPO over a sloped metal deck per manufacturers specification and Florida’s Building Code. We used a tapered insulation system to reduce ponding water on the membranes. It also provides the positive drainage needed to help extend the life of the roof membrane. The Standing Seem Metal Roof canopy is approximately 850 square feet over the fuel island at an extreme slant to maximize water drainage.

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