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How to report a roof leak to Genflex

  • Find your warranty number, located at the top of your warranty. If you cannot find your warranty number, make sure you have the building owners name and full physical address ready and you must call GenFlex in person.
  • Contact GenFlex Use their web-based report form Report a Leak (GenFlex Roofing Systems). You’ll need to provide the following information to the GenFlex:
    • Warranty #
    • Name and number of the person reporting the leak.
    • Name and phone number for the onsite contact.
    • As detailed a description of the leak as possible.
    • IMPORTANT: Inform GenFlex that RAMCON is your preferred roofer to send to the leak.
  • We strongly recommend you also contact your RAMCON representative or roofleaks@ramconroofing.com in addition to contacting GenFlex. This will allow us to produce the required paperwork and respond immediately upon direction from the manufacturer, as well as ensure the request was processed.