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Roof Punctures: Causes & Solutions

The leading source of roof leaks is puncturing the roof membrane. Practically every type of roofing system is susceptible to punctures – even multiple layers of asphalt roofing systems. The roofing system supports essential facets of the facility like HVAC units, grease traps, exhaust fans, and solar assemblies.

During regular up-keep on these facets, roof punctures could occur. Sometimes punctures and damage to the membrane, do not immediately present noticeable damage. If an object slightly punctures the roof membrane; over time the puncture exposes the roof system to the elements, thermal expansions, and contractions. The damage then works its way through the roof surface creating leaks.


Roof punctures can be caused by a number of factors including inclement weather, wildlife, possible vandalism, and even general facility maintenance.

INCLEMENT WEATHER: Powerful storms can produce hazardous debris that dislodges mechanical equipment, remove service doors, break branches, and blow litter across the roof surface.

WILDLIFE: No matter what sort of area, animals tend to enjoy the tops of buildings. Birds peck at things, squirrels delight in chewing on lead products, and raccoons scratch at the roof surface.

ROOF TRAFFIC: HVAC technicians, plumbers, satellite providers, etc. often utilize the roof as a platform to perform their duties. They may unintentionally drop tools and other hazardous materials that can cause damage to the roof membrane.


We’ve identified some common puncture sites that could indicate your leaks are a cause of roofing puncture:

  • Near HVAC units or other mechanical equipment;
  • Over dumpsters;
  • In-front of high-traffic areas (such as a roof entrance);
  • Near a stairwell/trash chute;
  • Close to rooftop security cameras

With these common puncture sites in mind, what are some common roofing proactive measures you can take to avoid further punctures to your roof?


  • Install walkway pad protection along heavily traveled routes and around the mechanical units.
  • Inform vendors the roof is under warranty and actively monitored.
  • Display warning stickers on roof hatch access and on mechanical units.
  • On heavily serviced roofs, add thicker roof membranes and/or additional plies to the system to increase redundancy.
  • Educating maintenance personnel on how to prevent damage and what to do if an incident occurs.
  • Limiting foot traffic on the system only to qualified professionals.
  • Fully secure and attach all items on the roof.
  • Trimming excess vegetation and trees around the facility to prevent wind-borne debris.

If you’d like to learn more about puncture prevention, roof surface protection installation, to properly solve a puncture that you currently have or simply to get complimentary “Roof Warning Stickers” to install on your facility, give us a call at (877) 726-2661, email team@ramconroofing.com or visit our website at www.ramconrooofing.com.