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Feb 23, 2022
commercial inspection , Commercial Roofing , EMR , Experience Modification Rate , florida , florida roofing contractor , leak repairs , local roofing contractor , Proactive Maintenance , Repair , Roof Leaks , roofers tampa fl , Roofing
A leaking roof can cause a lot of damage to your business. Not only can it lead to water damage, but it can also cause structural problems and create an environment where mold and mildew can grow. That’s why it’s important to have a trusted expert on your side to help you repair and maintain your roof. Here…
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As we race into 2016, we want to thank you for continually trusting RAMCON with your roofing needs. Without the trust, you place in our abilities we could not continue to be Florida’s premier commercial roofing contractor. Each New Year we take a minute to reflect on the previous year with gratitude and…
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EMR evaluates the experience and safety record of a contractor. It is a number used by insurance companies to gauge both past cost of injuries and future chances of risk. An EMR of 1.0 is considered the industry average. It effects a company’s ability to obtain credit and result in higher insurance premiums,…