Proactive Maintenance – Gold Shield

The Gold program provides the ultimate proactive corporate roof maintenance & management program.
With an unlimited, no-cost leak response, our Gold Roof Shield is our most comprehensive proactive preventative roof management program. It ensures the maximum service life of your roofing system and can save you tens of thousands over the lifespan of the assembly. Investing in a proactive maintenance program early in your roof’s service life is your best opportunity to protect the system, drastically reduce lifetime maintenance expenses, and extend the service life of your roofing system. Taking these steps ultimately increases the return on your roofing investment tremendously.
The Gold Roof Shield program is for building owners and property managers, who demand performance, cannot allow leaks to develop, and want to squeeze every ounce of value out of their roofing investment; adding the savings to their bottom line.
The Gold Star Plan includes:
- Quarterly (4-times per year) Roof Surveys
- Live Time Client Portals
- CAD Drawings
- Thermal IR Surveys
- Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
Contact us at (877) 726-2661 to discuss how to begin your Gold Star Roof Shield program.