7 Day Guide to Turning Around Your Roofing Portfolio

It rains. The roof leaks. You sent out a roofer to fix the leak. Sound like a familiar tune? We bet it does, because that’s exactlywhat a majority of building owners and managers do on a continuous basis. Doesn’t it seem like this cycle continues without end?
Roof leaks don’t need to be the first sign of trouble on the roof and you don’t have to keep operating this way, which damages the system and costs you thousands. It’s like running without air in your tires, then wondering why they won’t last and are always replacing them! So let’s break this cycle.
We challenge you to take advantage of this opportunity to turn around your roofing system. In fact, we’ll show you how to do it in 7 days…guaranteed. We are so confident that this will work; we’ll do all the leg work, investigations, analysis and detailed planning at our own time and expense (inspection valued at $970.00 alone!) We know that once we show you the math and the enormous potential, you’ll agree.
Our published 7 day plan is a serious guide for owners and managers who truly want to make a difference in both the performance of their roods and put savings on their bottom line budget. We go back to the fundamentals of roof management and combine our unique competencies and in the market to deliver solid results…which speak for themselves.
This guide isn’t full of ‘technical talk’ or trying to impress you with how ‘smart’ we can make the information sound to a point where it takes a engineering degree to understand it. We’ll explain your specific system and conditions in a way that truly makes sense and puts an emphasis on the core items that truly matter…no fluff. We’ll answer your specific questions, such as follows:
- What is the true condition of the roof and when/how much should I budget for lifetime maintenance and/or replacement?
- What can you do to drastically reduce or eliminate lifetime maintenance costs and leaks?
- How can I get more value out of my roofing investment and extend the service life of the system (thus increasing my ROI)?
Why are we offering to absorb this expense and help? Simple really, throughout the entire summer, we’ve had countless building owners and facility executives reach out to us to assist them in getting their roofs under control. In fact, we’ve dedicated an entire team to doing nothing but assisting these clients. We discovered, as you will, that when you do the math and take proactive measures and make specific choices, the problem we were called to help solve and eliminate never had to happen. How these owners and managers were operating was not only spinning in circles, but it was costing them thousands upon thousands of dollars and damaging the system.
At RAMCON, we love roofing. In fact, it’s all we do. We want to help you avoid these pitfalls and break this endless cycle we all dread. To get a personal copy of the guide or to get started at no expense or obligation, give us a call at (877) 726-2661 or email specifically to BreakTheCycle@ramconroofing.thatsanicewebsite.com.